What is the Kenton Downtown Plan?
In 2017, the City of Kenton along with several community stakeholders underwent a process to create a plan to prioritize capital improvements in the Downtown. The Plan is intended to help coordinate needed utility improvements throughout the Downtown and repair and maintain roadway and sidewalk infrastructure.
What capital improvements are being made?
Within a nine-block area around the Hardin County Courthouse, sewer, water, and stormwater infrastructure is being upgraded and replaced. Once these utilities are in-place, impacted roadways will be repaired and resurfaced including curbs and sidewalks. This capital improvement project will help ensure the central Downtown area has adequate infrastructure both above and below ground.
Why this project? Why now?
The purpose of this project is two-fold. First, this project will upgrade aging and failing infrastructure. Much of the infrastructure in the nine-block area is original and dates back more than 100 years. Recent video surveying has illustrated major failures in the system. These failures are also witnessed through a series of recent water main breaks and other disruptions in service in the downtown area. Another important element is infiltration. The City is experiencing major inflows of groundwater into the system which results in unnecessary strain on the water treatment plant.
The second major factor for why this project is important is the City’s compliance with EPA standards and regulations. Over the past decade, the City has been working with the EPA to correct a series of important upgrades that will bring the City into alignment with current requirements. Without these improvements, the City could face legal challenges from the EPA and jeopardize the City’s ability to secure future funding through various grant and loan programs.
How is this project being funded?
The planning team, including City and County staff, are seeking a range of grants, loans, and other funding options to finance this important project. Phase I of this project received major funding through the Ohio Public Works Commission and the Ohio Environmental Protection Agency totaling more than $2 million dollars. To-date, this stands as one of the largest projects to have received funding through these sources. This funding supports implementation of the project without having to rely on local tax dollars.
Who is involved in this effort?
The planning process is being led through a collaborative effort. Key project leaders include the City of Kenton, Hardin County Chamber, and Hardin County Regional Planning, as well as local stakeholders and the community. The planning and design for the project is being completed by OHM Advisors, an interdisciplinary engineering, architecture and planning firm.
What is the timeline for these upgrades?
The Kenton Downtown Revitalization Plan was completed in the summer of 2017. Since then, the planning team has been securing funding and working on design for the project. Construction for Phase 1, which includes S. Detroit Street and S. Main Street from the Scioto River to just north of E. Ohio Street, is expected to begin in September of 2019 and conclude in June of 2020. Phase 2 will include the area north around the Hardin County Courthouse. View a generalized timeline on the Resources page.
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