The total project for the Kenton Downtown Capital Improvement Project is estimated at between 16-20 million. Why the range? Simply because the final cost will be driven by the final design for the project, and currently Phase II is not designed and only has conceptually been planned. Many variables factor into cost on projects on multi-layered infrastructure projects. This includes what type of design solutions are preferred, material choices, what happens with the above grade infrastructure, and what the current construction costs are in the market (materials/labor). Phase I cost which replaces the sewer and water lines from the square on Detroit and Main to extending south to the river is currently designed and estimates for this Phase are approximately 2.5 million.
The project is being funded through a variety of sources. This includes grants, loans, local enterprise dollars (sewer and water fees), among other sources. A project of this size and complexity requires multiple layers of funding to achieve success. The current path to fund the project is to secure a loan through the EPA, and pay down the debt through grants that align with the project. The end goal is to provide the most comprehensive solution that ensures the project is funded, while reducing the overall cost to the city and local tax payers.